178th State Level Bankers’ Committee (SLBC) was held on 6th March, 2025
BHUBANESWAR:-06/03/2025- Development Commissioner cum ACS emphasized on minimising the regional imbalance in credit flow to all segments of the society including women, SC & ST and weaker sections. Smt. Garg emphasized on adequate financing under PM-SVANidhi as the scheme is being reviewed regularly by Hon’ble Prime Minister. She urged upon the bankers to support the recently launched “Financial Assistance to Cold Storage” scheme, aimed at strengthening the storage ecosystem of the State to minimise the post-harvest loss and prevent distress sale by farmers. DC-cum ACS, Smt. Anu Garg, urged all banks to extend higher quantum of credit to improve the Credit to GSDP ratio of the State. The Development Commissioner announced the ACP target of Rs.2.52 lakh crore for FY 2025-26 as per the projection of NABARD. Executive Director, UCO Bank, Sri, V.N. Kamble appreciated the bankers for achieving 68.95% of Annual Credit Plan (ACP) target as on 31st December and 100% target in all social security schemes like PMJJBY, PMSBY and PMJDY.He urged upon the banks to put concerted efforts to achieve 100% ACP (Rs. 2.11 lakh crore) for the FY 2024-25. He expressed his concerns regarding poor performance of bankers in PM- Vishwakarma scheme, reduced no.of applications for SHG Loan and registration issues in Housing sector. Regional Director, RBI, Dr. S.P. Mohanty in his speech, pointed out the high retail and food price inflation in Odisha, low credit growth rate in the State as compared to National Level and the initiative taken by RBI to promote financial literacy and cyber security across the State. Pr. Secretary, Finance Department, Sri Saswat Mishra emphasised on improving performance by private sector banks in Govt. sponsored schemes like PMEGP, 178th State Level Bankers’ Committee (SLBC) was held on 6th March, 2025 under the co-chairmanship of DC-cum-ACS to Government of Odisha, Smt. Anu Garg and Executive Director, UCO Bank, Sri V.N.Kamble. Smt. Anu Garg, IAS in her address, highlighted the need for achieving 100 percent Annual Credit Plan (ACP) target to the tune of Rs. 2.11 lakh crore for the FY 2024-25. Due attention to be laid by all banks on credit flow to the Housing, Education and Export sector. PMFME, PM Mudra, Stand up India. He suggested forming a separate committee to examine credit flow in the Housing and Education sector. He Development Commissioner, Smt. Anu Garg urged all banks to achieve 100% ACP (Rs2.11 lakh crore) for the current FY. Thrust on credit flow to Housing, Education, Social infrastructure and Export sector New Initiative of Government on Cold storage scheme was emphasized. DC cum ACS laid stress on Higher Credit to GSDP ratio, to become at par with other states. Momentum of credit flow to be escalated with focus on women, SC/ST, and weaker sections. DC-Cum ACS announced the ACP target of Rs.2.52 lakh crore for FY 2025-26 as per the projection of NABARD. also asked SLBC convenor to provide claim settlement statistics in social security schemes like PMJJBY and PMSBY.Pr. Secretary, Agriculture & FE Department, Dr. Arabinda Kumar Padhee apprised the Committee in detail about the newly launched scheme on “Financing to Cold Storage”. He informed the house that the State Government has made the Scale of Finance, Uniform for all districts in the State. He also appreciated the efforts of bankers in MKUY scheme meant to support Agri-Entrepreneurs in the State. Convenor, SLBC; Senior officials of State and Central Government, NABARAD and Regional Controlling Heads of all banks were also present in the meeting.