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Major Corruption Scandal Unfolds in Rayagada’s Soil conservation under Watershed project

Major Corruption Scandal Unfolds in Rayagada’s Soil conservation under Watershed project

Sudhansu (Bureau chief Southern Odisha)

Rayagada: A massive corruption scandal has come to light in Rayagada, exposing the involvement of soil conservation departmental officials in financial misappropriation within the watershed mission . Sources said that projects intended to benefit farmers are instead serving as a lucrative avenue for brokers, raising serious concerns about misused of government schemes.

According to reports, brokers—allegedly with the support of corrupt officials—are manipulating land titles of marginalized residents to siphon off funds.
A local farmer, speaking on condition of anonymity, confirmed that the project, managed by the Murtika Sarankhyan department, is causing more distress to farmers rather than providing them with intended benefits.

The situation has worsened following a recent vigilance raid in Kashipur block, as a questions arise over whether this investigation will truly expose the corruption or once again the file will be buried. Observers note that since the relocation of the Shri Rayaguru Anti-Corruption Unit from Rayagada, oversight has weakened, allowing lower-level employees to operate unchecked while senior officers maintain a questionable silence.

In a shocking revelation, it has been discovered that over 800 farm ponds have been recorded as “opened” in Kashipur block alone. However, several farmers claim they were unaware about that ponds were allegedly created on their land, further solidifying allegations of corruption. An independent inquiry uncovered incidents of financial mismanagement involving land lease farm ponds belonging to at least five individuals.

Moreover, the government’s coffee cultivation initiative has also been marred by corruption. Departmental officials, in collusion with contractors, appear to be exploiting the scheme for personal gain while feigning ignorance. In another questionable case, the Silver Oak nursery project under Kashi Pur ICDS office —set to generate over ₹1 crore in the 2023-24 financial year—has raised alarms due to missing financial disclosures and a suspicious lack of transparency.

Adding to the controversy, allegations suggest that certain brokers are functioning as covert partners in the watershed project, misleading farmers while departmental officials falsely promote their so-called “clean” operations. Given Rayagada’s status as a predominantly tribal district, many intellectuals argue that rampant corruption is turning government welfare schemes into instruments of exploitation rather than development.

This unfolding scandal has prompted widespread demand for a thorough investigation, with stakeholders calling for accountability and immediate action to prevent further misuse of public funds. Whether the government will take decisive steps or allow corruption to persist remains a pressing question for the people of Rayagada.

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