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CM enquires well being of former legislator Bamber Thakur

CM enquires well being of former legislator Bamber Thakur

Chief Minister Thakur Sukhvinder Sukhu today visited IGMC, Shimla to enquire about the well-being of former legislator Bamber Thakur, who sustained gunshot injuries on Friday at Bilaspur. The Chief Minister wished him a speedy recovery.
In an informal talk with the media persons, the Chief Minister said that doctors are giving him best treatment and he is out of danger. He said that this is a highly serious matter and police has been directed to take swift action against the perpetrators. The police have conducted raids over night leading to the arrest of some suspects linked to this incident. He assured that stern action would be taken against those responsible.
Responding to a question, Shri Sukhu said, “Protest is a democratic right of Opposition, but they must also cooperate with the Government. First question is how the drug mafia was allowed to flourish in the State. Due to the earnest efforts of our government, drug cases have dropped by 30 percent. I have ordered a crackdown on the drug mafia in a recent meeting and the state government will introduce Bills in the ongoing budget session of Vidhan Sabha to impose stringent measures against organized crimes and drug networks.”
Speaker, Vidhan Sabha Kuldeep Singh Pathania, Health and Family Welfare Minister Dr. (Col.) Dhani Ram Shandil, Industries Minister Harshwardhan Chauhan and MLA Harish Janartha also accompanied the Chief Minister.

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