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Minister emphasizes innovation for quality education: Rohit Thakur

Minister emphasizes innovation for quality education: Rohit Thakur  

A delegation of the State Teachers Primary Education led by its state president Jagdish Sharma met the Education Minister Rohit Thakur here today and apprised him of their various demands including filling up of the vacant posts of teachers in schools, recruitment of pre-primary Nursery Teacher Trainers (NTT), addressing promotions and pay disparities, re-starting sports competitions in schools etc.

After listening to their grievances the minister assured that their genuine demands would be fulfilled in a phased manner. He said that in the present scenario teachers should focus on new teaching techniques along with transformation. He appreciated teachers for their excellent services. He emphasized innovation for quality education to the students.

He said that teacher help’s character building, discipline, development of logical power and a sense of patriotism among the students. Students enrolment in government schools is continuously declining and the government is forced to close the schools with zero or enrolment of less than five students.

It was noted that the government schools has witnessed decline in the students enrollment with 51 thousand fewer students as compared to last year, he remarked, adding that in this situation the government has imposed a complete ban on transfers during the academic session so as to minimize disruption in the studies of the students.

Education Secretary Rakesh Kanwar, Director Elementary Education Ashish Kohli, were present on the occasion amongst others.

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