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Home » All is not well in Rayagada Welfare Schools! Brutal Assault on 8 year, cuts on private parts.Unsafe Environment in SC/ST Welfare Schools!

All is not well in Rayagada Welfare Schools! Brutal Assault on 8 year, cuts on private parts.Unsafe Environment in SC/ST Welfare Schools!

All is not well in Rayagada Welfare Schools! Brutal Assault on 8 year, cuts on private parts.Unsafe Environment in SC/ST Welfare Schools!

Bissamcuttack(31/01/25)-The grim reality of student safety in SC/ST welfare schools Rayagada has once again come to light with a shocking case of violence in Samarlendi Ashram School, Karlaghati Panchayat, Gudari Block. An eight year old student, Aditya Jagaranga of Class 2, was found brutally beaten, with bruises and wounds on his body, including cuts on his private parts and back. The incident, which allegedly took place on November 17, 2024, has sparked outrage over the unchecked atrocities and negligence in these residential schools.
According to the child’s father, Shyam Jagaranga of Raskola Panchayat, he learned about his son’s condition on November 20 from the peon’s son of the school. Disturbingly, the child had been left abandoned outside the school hostel, presumed dead after the brutal assault. Miraculously, Aditya regained consciousness and walked back to the school the following morning, where he remained for two days in trauma, without receiving medical aid or support. He has scars over his back and private parts being cut with sharp objects leaving wounds and marks visible to date.
Upon discovering the incident, his father rushed him to Ragulu Hospital in Srikakulam District, Andhra Pradesh, where they stayed for five days undergoing treatment, bearing all expenses themselves. The young victim recounted that he was not only beaten to near death but had also been subjected to frequent bullying by schoolmates. When questioned, Headmaster Mr. Ram Chandra Sabar allegedly attempted to cover up the matter with political backing, leaving the father helpless until his child’s health improved. Even after two months, the trauma has left Aditya unable to return to school, which is the only reason this inhumane incident caught public attention raising serious concerns over student safety, negligence, and governance in SC/ST welfare schools in Rayagada District,
This case is not an isolated one. Recently, a student’s suicide at Gotiguda Ashram School in Bissamcuttack Block has further intensified concerns over the hostile and unsafe environment in these government run institutions. These incidents highlight the continued apathy of the Welfare Department, which has failed to ensure a safe educational environment for vulnerable students. When asked, Shyam Jagaranga has now decided to pursue legal action against the headmaster for negligence and failure to prevent such violence in the school,necessary actions should be taken against people responsilbe for such cruelty he futher said. However, when attempts were made to contact Headmaster Mr. Sabar for a statement on 7750927842, he remained unavailable and did not respond to calls, while the child needs counselling to over come his horrendous experience.
Such distressing incidents insinuates “there is an elephant in the room” and all is not well in SC/ST welfare schools in Rayagada. The Ministry of SC/ST Development and concerned authorities must take urgent action to address the increasing cases of bullying, abuse, and mismanagement in these institutions before more innocent lives are lost. Bissamcuttack Reporter by C.B. Singh

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