March 14, 2025
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Celebration of World Consumer Rights Day-2025

Celebration of World Consumer Rights Day-2025

The World Consumer Rights Day 2025 was celebrated by the Department of Food & Supplies and Consumer Affairs & Legal Metrology, U.T., Chandigarh. This Year, the theme for the Consumer day was ‘’a Just transition to sustainable lifestyles’’. The department organized various activities for celebration of World Consumer Rights Day 2025. A seminar was organized on 13.03.2025 at State consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, Sector 19 Chandigarh. The seminar started with the welcome address by Dr. Richa Rathee, Director Food & Supplies and Consumer Affair Legal Metrology, U.T., Chandigarh. On the occasion, Ms. Padma Pandey, Presiding Member, State Commission, Additional Bench U.T., Chandigarh gave brief insight into role of technology in speedy disbursal of Consumer cases. A lecture was delivered by Sh. Ajay jagga, Advocate on issues faced by consumers in their daily life and their sustainable solutions were also discussed. Further, a lecture was delivered by Sh. Rajesh K Arya, Member State Commission UT Chandigarh on the new features of Consumer Protection Act-2019. Also it was discussed in detail on how to file a complaint in Consumer commissions. Various achievement of State Commission Chandigarh were also highlighted on the occasion. The Seminar was also attended by Hon’ble members of State and District Commissions and General Public. The seminar concluded with Interactive session where the audience shared their concerns. The Participants also stressed upon the importance of following sustainable lifestyles.

​​ In addition to this, The Department of Food & Supplies and Consumer Affairs & Legal Metrology, U.T., Chandigarh also organized a nukkad natak in Shivalik Garden at Manimajra for the awareness of Consumers. The consumers were made aware about the provisions of Legal Metrology Act and were also sensitized about helpline number 1800-180-2068 of the department for filing complaint in case of overcharging above MRP and for underweight articles. This Nukkad natak was well received by the audience. Another Nukkad natak is planned in Ram Darbar for awareness of Consumers on World Consumer Rights Day 2025.

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