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Home » Chandigarh Organises TB Awareness Rally under 100-Day Intensified TB Campaign

Chandigarh Organises TB Awareness Rally under 100-Day Intensified TB Campaign

Department of Public Relations
Chandigarh Administration

Chandigarh Organises TB Awareness Rally under 100-Day Intensified TB Campaign

Chandigarh, 14th January 2025: As part of the 100-day Intensified Tuberculosis (TB) Campaign, the Chandigarh Health Department, in collaboration with the State TB Cell, NSS volunteers from Post Graduate Government College, Sector 11, Chandigarh and students of Government Homeopathic College, Sector 26, Chandigarh successfully organised a TB Awareness Rally. The event aimed to raise awareness about TB prevention, early diagnosis, and treatment, in alignment with India’s mission to eliminate TB by 2025.

The rally commenced at Government Multi-Specialty Hospital (GMSH), Sector 16, Chandigarh, with over 250 participants. The event was officially inaugurated by Dr Sushil Mahi, Medical Superintendent of GMSH-16, who emphasised the critical importance of early detection and strict adherence to TB treatment protocols. A pledge for a TB-free India was also administered to the attendees.

Participants carried banners and placards with impactful slogans such as “TB Harega, Desh Jeetega” and “Early Diagnosis Saves Lives” as they marched through Post Graduate Government College, Sector 11, Chandigarh towards Plaza, Sector 17, Chandigarh. The rally engaged with the public by distributing educational pamphlets that highlighted TB symptoms, the availability of free diagnostic and treatment facilities under the National Tuberculosis Elimination Program (NTEP), and the role of nutrition in recovery. Students from Post Graduate Government College also performed a powerful Nukkad Natak during the rally to create awareness about TB and its prevention.

Speaking on the occasion, the State TB Officer Dr Rajesh K Rana stated, “This rally is a significant initiative in raising awareness about TB and addressing the stigma associated with it. With collective efforts from the government, healthcare workers, and the community, we are confident of achieving a TB-free Chandigarh.”

The rally concluded at Plaza Sector 17, with participants reaffirming their dedication to advocating for TB elimination and providing continued support to individuals affected by the disease. Dr. Maneer Mohd, Dr. Sheeba Oberoi, Medical Officers, State TB Cell organised and managed rally in coordination with Dr. Monika Dara, Dr. Sandeep Kumar, Dr. Divya Monga NSS Programme Officers. Medical Officer State TB Cell conveyed that such events will continue to be held in coming days for achieving the desired goal of TB free status by 2025.

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