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Chandigarh Says No to Drugs: A Unified Stand Against Substance Abuse

Chandigarh Says No to Drugs: A Unified Stand Against Substance Abuse

Chandigarh, January 30, 2025 – In a powerful display of unity and commitment, over 400 NSS students from government schools in Chandigarh, along with key officials from various departments, gathered today to form a Human Chain as part of the Nasha Mukt Bharat Abhiyaan. The event, organized by the Department of Social Welfare in collaboration with the Department of School Education and the NSS Wing, aimed to raise awareness against the growing menace of substance abuse and promote a drug-free society.

The Chief Guest for the occasion, Mr. Nishant Kumar Yadav, IAS, Deputy Commissioner, Chandigarh, praised the efforts of the organizers and participants, emphasizing the significance of collective action in the fight against substance abuse. In his address, Mr. Yadav called upon every citizen, especially the youth, to actively contribute to the ongoing battle to eradicate drugs from the community.

The event, spearheaded by Ms. Anuradha Chagti, Secretary of Social Welfare, Women & Child Development, marked a pivotal moment in the administration’s ongoing efforts to combat drug abuse. Ms. Chagti has been a driving force behind several key initiatives, including the creation of the VADA (Victory Against Drug Abuse) Clubs in 184 educational institutions across Chandigarh. These clubs are dedicated to educating and supporting students in the fight against substance abuse, and they have already reached over 15 lakh citizens in Chandigarh during the year 2024-25.

In addition to the formation of the human chain, which symbolized Chandigarh’s commitment to saying ‘No to Drugs’, teachers and students worked tirelessly to create a visually impactful representation of the message. The formation of the human chain was not only a visual spectacle but also an expression of the city’s united front in creating awareness and providing support to those affected by substance abuse.

The event also saw a show of strength from the local community, with numerous participants and stakeholders coming together to underline the importance of continued vigilance and action in tackling drug addiction. The initiative is set to continue with further outreach programs, workshops, and campaigns designed to ensure that the message of a Nasha Mukt Chandigarh reaches every corner of the city.
Together, Chandigarh stands united in its resolve to create a drug-free future for its youth and ensure a healthier, brighter tomorrow for all.

Present during the event were Mr. Naveen Rattu, SDM East, Mr. Nemi Chand, Liaisoning Officer of NSS, and the dedicated officers from the Department of School Education and Department of Social Welfare, whose collaborative efforts were instrumental in organizing and mobilizing participants.

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