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Combating TB Under the 100 Days Campaign: Spreading Awareness and Identifying Cases

Combating TB Under the 100 Days Campaign: Spreading Awareness and Identifying Cases

Chandigarh, 1st February 2025

In a significant step towards tuberculosis (TB) elimination, students of Government Medical College and Hospital (GMCH), Sector 32, Chandigarh, in collaboration with the State TB Cell, Government Multi-Speciality Hospital (GMSH), Sector 16, Chandigarh, actively participated in the 100 Days Campaign to Combat TB.

MBBS first-year students, being the future of the nation’s healthcare system, took a pledge to spread awareness and eliminate the stigma associated with TB. Following the pledge, the students conducted Active Case Finding (ACF) by filling out symptomatic questionnaires to identify individuals at risk of TB. Suspected cases were then referred to the dispensary, where the State TB Cell, Chandigarh, had organised a health camp offering chest X-ray services for further evaluation.

The event was witnessed by eminent healthcare professionals, including Dr. Naveen Krishan Goel (Professor & Head, Department of Community Medicine, GMCH-32), Dr. Rajesh K Rana (State TB Officer, State TB Cell), Dr. Deepak Sharma (Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine), Dr. Ravi Rohilla (Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine), Ms. Aakanksha Dutta (ICMR-TB Consultant) and Dr. Maneer (Medical Officer-STC).

This initiative is a crucial step in the fight against TB, reinforcing the need for early detection, community engagement, and stigma reduction. The collaboration between medical students and the State TB Cell highlights the power of youth-led public health initiatives in achieving a TB-free future.

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