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Committee Uncovers Major Irregularities in Road Projects in Bissamcuttack

Committee Uncovers Major Irregularities in Road Projects in Bissamcuttack

Bissamcuttack, January 30- A five-member team from the Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India, conducted a thorough inspection of several road and bridge construction projects in the Bissamcuttack block yesterday. The visit, directed by Shri Saptagiri Ulaka, Member of Parliament and Chairman of the Standing Committee on Rural Development and Panchayati Raj, aimed to evaluate the quality and progress of infrastructure projects in the Loksabha constituency.

Led by Shri Pradeep Agarwal, the team expressed dissatisfaction with the substandard quality of work observed on multiple road projects, including the Durgi to Upar Barangpadar, Durgi to Chengili, Chengili to Jhianipadar, and Kalapai to Kusumpadar roads. Immediate reconstruction of these roads was ordered, highlighting significant lapses in execution.

Local community leader Shri Abhi Kalaka alleged rampant irregularities in the projects, accusing a local BJD leader of undue influence and favoritism within the Rural Development Department, Bissamcuttack division. He stated that despite repeated complaints from residents about the poor quality of work, the department failed to act, further fueling public outrage.

The inspection shed light on administrative lapses and potential corruption, with allegations of financial mismanagement and favoritism.

However, Shri Agarwal emphasized, “While it is too early to draw conclusions, these findings will be submitted to the Chairman for further action.”

When approached for clarification on the matter, Junior Engineer Dilip Ku Routray of the RD Division stated:

“I am not responsible for this work. It was previously handled by Junior Engineer Jadunath Raita. I joined this jurisdiction in November 2024. However, the road in question is currently under its third year of maintenance. In OR 27 555, a section of 200 meters of bituminous work was damaged, but the agency has agreed to rectify the issue.”

The incident has drawn attention to earlier concerns raised by Nilamadhab Hikaka, Legislative Member from Bissamcuttack. In a letter dated October 15, 2024, to Rayagada District Collector Ms. Parul Patwari, Hikaka had highlighted irregularities and sluggish progress in critical infrastructure projects, including roads connecting Dukum, Karlaghati, Tadopada, and Gudari block. He urged immediate intervention and a joint site visit to address the issues.

With the Ministry of Rural Development now apprised of these irregularities, stringent action is anticipated against those responsible. The inspection has also reignited public demand for greater accountability and transparency in developmental projects in the region.

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