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Home » Department of Land Resources, Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India Launches NAKSHA Programme

Department of Land Resources, Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India Launches NAKSHA Programme

Department of Land Resources, Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India Launches NAKSHA Programme

Chandigarh, 18th,February,2025 – The Department of Land Resources, Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India, inaugurated the NAKSHA City Survey Programme in a national-level event held at Raisen, Madhya Pradesh. This initiative, aimed at accurate mapping and updating of land records in urban and semi-urban areas, was launched under the chairmanship of Dr. Mohan Yadav, Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh, with Sh. Shivraj Singh Chauhan as the Chief Guest.
The initiative has been launched across 152 Urban Local Bodies in 26 states and 3 Union Territories (UTs).

Chandigarh was an integral part of this national event, with a dedicated launch program held at the Community Centre, Sector 56, Chandigarh. The event in Chandigarh saw the esteemed presence of Chief Secretary, Chandigarh, Sh. Rajeev Verma, who graced the occasion as the Chief Guest, and Home Secretary, Chandigarh, Sh. Mandip Singh Brar, who attended as the Guest of Honour.

The NAKSHA Programme aims to conduct city land surveys across 26 states, 3 Union Territories, covering 152 cities in 141 districts across the country. This initiative will accurately map 4,413 square kilometers with an allocated budget of Rs. 194 crores by the Government of India. In Chandigarh, five villages – Burail, Kajheri, Attawa, Sarangpur, and Palsora – have been identified under the programme, with plans to extend the survey to additional urban sectors of the city.

During the event, the Survey of India provided a detailed PPT presentation on the methodology of the NAKSHA Programme, showcasing the advanced technology being deployed and its anticipated benefits for the local population.
In his opening remarks, Deputy Commissioner, Chandigarh, highlighted that many village residents within the Lal Dora areas lack ownership records, leading to long-standing land disputes and legal complexities. The absence of ownership documentation has also prevented inhabitants from availing benefits under various government schemes.

The mapping process under NAKSHA involves multiple phases, beginning with the generation of an initial map through field surveys. The draft map is then published for public claims and objections, ensuring a transparent verification process. Finally, a conclusive map is produced with verified records. This structured approach ensures accurate land documentation, facilitating legal clarity, smoother land transfers, and prevention of unauthorized constructions. Additionally, the integration of land records with property tax systems and banking services will enhance financial inclusion, curb fraudulent transactions, and boost public confidence in land ownership.
Addressing the gathering, Chief Secretary, Chandigarh, Sh. Rajeev Verma, highlighted that the NAKSHA Programme aligns with Chandigarh’s Smart City vision. He further emphasized that Chandigarh, being a frontrunner in implementing new criminal laws, will also lead the way in successfully executing the NAKSHA Programme. He stressed the importance of incorporating comprehensive property records and leveraging blockchain technology for enhanced security and democratization of land ownership data.

Speaking on the occasion, Guest of Honour, Sh. Mandip Singh Brar, emphasized that training and capacity-building are critical to the programme’s success, ensuring transparency and accountability at every step.

During the event, a dedicated booklet, ‘NAKSHA Karyakram Pustika,’ was also inaugurated, providing in-depth information about the programme and its objectives.

The event was also attended by Sh. Ami Kumar, Commissioner, Municipal Corporation Chandigarh; Sh. Sumit Sihag, Joint Commissioner, MC, Sh. Anandeep Singh Bhatti, Additional Deputy Commissioner, Chandigarh; Smt. Isha Kamboj, SDM South; and Sh. A.K. Bishnoi, Land Expert, Department of Land Resources, Government of India, along with other distinguished dignitaries.

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