March 4, 2025
Home » ‘Doing Our Best To Bring Them Back’: MEA On Indians Duped In Russia

‘Doing Our Best To Bring Them Back’: MEA On Indians Duped In Russia

New Delhi: The Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) on Friday said that it is taking every step to bring several Indian nationals who have been “duped” to work with the Russian Army. MEA spokesperson Randhir Jaiswal added that the Indian government has taken a strong stance on the matter and urged the Russian government to facilitate their early release. The MEA official further stated that action has been initiated against agents and unscrupulous elements who are involved in recruiting Indian nationals on false pretexts.

Addressing the issue, Jaiswal said, “Several Indian Nationals have been duped to work with the Russian Army. We have strongly taken up the matter with the Russian government for the early discharge of such Indian nationals. Strong action has been initiated against agents and unscrupulous elements who recruited them on false pretexts and promises.”

He added that the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) had recently busted a major human trafficking network after conducting searches in various cities and gathering incriminating evidence. The spokesperson also confirmed that a case of human trafficking has been registered against multiple agents involved in the illicit recruitment.

“The CBI yesterday busted a major human trafficking network, conducting searches in several cities and collecting incriminating evidence. A case of human trafficking has been registered against several agents,” said Jaiswal.

Expressing concern for the well-being of the affected individuals, Jaiswal appealed to Indian nationals, “to not be swayed by offers made by agents for support jobs with the Russian Army”.

He emphasised the inherent danger and risk to life associated with such arrangements. “We remain committed to the early release of our nationals serving as support staff with the Russian Army and their eventual return home,” assured Jaiswal.

He also said that approximately 20 individuals have reached out to MEA seeking assistance, and efforts are underway to locate and help them. The MEA is in continuous communication with Russian authorities, pressing for the swift release and discharge of the duped Indian nationals, he also said.

Notably, the CBI on Thursday busted a major human trafficking network running across the country targeting Indian nationals on the promise of offering lucrative jobs abroad but allegedly sending them to the Russia-Ukraine war zone. The central agency is conducting simultaneous searches at around 13 locations in Delhi, Trivandrum, Mumbai, Ambala, Chandigarh, Madurai and Chennai.

The CBI stated that these traffickers have been operating as an organized network and were luring Indian nationals through social media channels like YouTube etc. and also through their local contacts/agents for highly paid jobs in Russia.

Thereafter, the trafficked Indian nationals were trained in combat roles and deployed at front bases in the Russia-Ukraine War zone against their wishes, thus, putting their lives in grave danger. It has been ascertained that some of the victims also got grievously injured in the war zone.

Certain suspects have also been detained for questioning at various locations. So far around 35 instances of victims sent abroad have been established. 

The identity of more trafficking victims is also being established. The investigation is still underway. Meanwhile, an appeal has been made to the general public not to fall prey to such false promises of jobs by dubious recruitment agencies and agents. 

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