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Excise department raids liquor warehouse

Excise department raids liquor warehouse

2411 whiskey crates seized without bar code

The Excise Department, UT Chandigarh team raided a liquor warehouse in the Industrial Area late last night. The Excise team found 2411 crates of foreign liquor without bar code and hologram. The Excise Department had received secret information that these liquor crates were kept for smuggling liquor from the city. After seizing the illegal liquor crates, the warehouse was sealed.

The Excise Department has launched a campaign against liquor smuggling from the city. Under this campaign, the department’s team is keeping an eye on liquor shops, bottling plants and warehouses in the city late at night. The department has formed special teams for different areas. Liquor was being smuggled from Chandigarh to Punjab, Haryana, Himachal and other states, but the Excise Department is seizing illegal liquor on a large scale through its campaign.

According to the officers of the Excise Department, strict action will be taken against the contractors and liquor traders found involved in smuggling.

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