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Excise department seizes liquor without hologram

Excise department seizes liquor without hologram

Raid conducted on shops in Sector 34 and 43

More than a thousand bottles of foreign liquor seized

Chandigarh, 29th January 2025: Excise Department, UT Chandigarh has started cracking down on liquor smuggling from the city. On Tuesday, teams of the Excise Department conducted surprise checking at various shops in the city. During this checking, liquor without hologram was seized at shops in Sector 34 and 43. 1056 bottles of foreign liquor without pass permit were seized from both the shops. The liquor was seized by the Excise Department team and both the shops have been challaned.

The Excise Department had received secret information that liquor was being sold in the city without hologram. According to the rules, liquor cannot be sold in the city without hologram. Due to hologram, Chandigarh liquor cannot be sold in other states. The department has formed a team for surprise checking in the city. This team is keeping an eye on the liquor shops, clubs and bars of the city late at night. This surprise checking will continue from time to time. According to the officers of the Excise Department, strict action will be taken against those who smuggle liquor from the city. The department is also keeping an eye on the limit of liquor coming out of the bottling plant of the city.

The Excise Department has also improved coordination with neighboring states. The department has written to Punjab and Haryana that if any liquor from Chandigarh is caught in their states, they should also be informed so that the matter can be investigated at the department level as well.

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