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Government committed to enhance living standard of people :CM

Government committed to enhance living standard of people :CM

Chief Minister Thakur Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu, while speaking informally to media persons in Solan today, stated that Himachal Pradesh lacks a single international-standard airport and the entire cost of its construction should be borne by the Central Government. Additionally, the centre should also fully fund the construction of the Bhanupalli-Beri and Chandigarh-Baddi railway lines.
In a reply to a question the Chief Minister highlighted the poor condition of the Solan-Parwanoo four-lane highway, attributing the issue to flawed design. He said that he has already discussed this matter with Union Minister for Road Transport and Highways, Nitin Gadkari and has requested a re-design and re-alignment of the highway to improve its condition.
In response to another question, the Chief Minister said that with a population of approximately 70 lakh, Himachal Pradesh does not require 153 IAS officers. Consequently, the state government has decided against inducting new IAS and IPS officers into the state cadre. Furthermore, he stated that the government aims to reduce the number of Indian Forest Service (IFS) officers.
The Chief Minister reiterated the state government’s commitment to enhancing the living standards of the people and affirmed that positive reforms are being undertaken across all departments. He stressed that the government seeks to bring meaningful improvements to governance by minimizing administrative excess and ensuring a more efficient and people-centric administration.
Earlier the Chief Minister attended the programme organized by Dr. (Col.) Dhani Ram Shandil.
Health and Family Welfare, Social Justice and Empowerment Minister Dr. (Col.) Dhani Ram Shandil, MLA Vinod Sultanpuri, Chairman of Baghat Bank Arun Sharma, State Food and Civil Supplies Corporation BoD member Jatin Sahni, senior Congress leaders Ramesh Thakur and Surinder Sethi and other dignitaries were present on the occasion.

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