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Government to establish common cadre for faculty appointment in medical colleges

Government to establish common cadre for faculty appointment in medical colleges

The State Government has decided in principle, to establish a common cadre for all future faculty appointments in all Government medical colleges and super-specialty Institutions across the State to enhance equity, operational efficiency, and the overall quality of medical education and healthcare services.
At present, faculty appointments follow a college-specific cadre system leading to administrative redundancies, inconsistencies in service conditions, and acute faculty shortages, particularly in newly established medical colleges. To address these challenges, the common cadre system will create a unified structure for faculty recruitment, career progression, and inter-institutional transfers, ensuring a fair and transparent framework for faculty management.
This initiative will standardize recruitment procedures, training programmes, and career advancement opportunities while harmonizing service conditions across all government medical institutions. This will allow for better faculty utilization, ensuring that resources are efficiently allocated where they are needed most. The reform also aims to strengthen medical education by eliminating disparities in career growth and fostering a merit-based system for faculty promotions. Additionally, it will enhance the quality of healthcare services, as better-managed institutions will directly contribute to improved patient care.
Chief Minister Thakur Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu stated that the state government was committed to improving healthcare services and strengthening medical education. He emphasized that the establishment of a common cadre will create a robust system, ensuring higher standards in medical education and healthcare delivery across the State.

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