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government’s initiatives to strengthen the rural economy.

government’s initiatives to strengthen the rural economy. “Himachal Pradesh has become the first state to provide a Minimum Support Price (MSP) of Rs. 45 per liter on cow milk and Rs. 55 per liter on buffalo milk,” said the Chief Minister, adding that the farmers in Rohru expressed their gratitude for the same.

He further stated that to bolster rural income, the government was purchasing wheat and maize, produced with natural farming, at a MSP of Rs. 40 and Rs. 30 per kilogram, respectively.

The Chief Minister said that during last year’s natural calamity, Rs. 100 crores were allocated for round-the-clock road connectivity in Shimla and Kinnaur so as to ensure that horticulture produce reaches the markets well in time. Despite losses exceeding Rs. 10,000 crore due to the monsoon-led disaster and no assistance from the Centre, the state government provided a special relief package of Rs. 4,500 crore for relief and rehabilitation.

He said that the MSP on apples has been increased by Rs. 1.50 and all the dues of the farmers under the Market Intervention Scheme (MIS) have been cleared with a one-time release of Rs. 153 crore. Universal cartons were introduced this year to ensure fair pricing for apple growers, and new CA stores, including one at Parala, were being constructed to enhance storage facilities.

“Efforts were underway to double-lane Parala-Rajgarh road which will reduce the transportation costs.

Agriculture Minister Chander Kumar said that a blueprint for modernizing the Dhalli Vegetable Mandi was ready. The government aims to establish multi-purpose markets at strategic locations and link them nationwide to facilitate the farmers.

Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Minister Anirudh Singh welcomed the Chief Minister and other guests.

Deputy Chief Minister Mukesh Agnihotri, Public Works Minister Vikramaditya Singh, MLA Harish Janartha and APMC Shimla Chairman Dev Anand Verma and other dignitaries were present at the occasion.

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