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Home » HPNLU, Shimla organizes One Day Special Plantation Drive as a part of ‘Plant4Mother’ Campaign
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HPNLU, Shimla organizes One Day Special Plantation Drive as a part of ‘Plant4Mother’ Campaign

HPNLU, Shimla organizes One Day Special Plantation Drive as a part of ‘Plant4Mother’ Campaign

The Himachal Pradesh National Law University has successfully conducted a one-day special plantation drive as part of the nationwide ‘Plant4Mother’ campaign. The event took place on September 17, 2024, and witnessed enthusiastic participation from students, faculty, and staff members of the university.
The ‘Plant4Mother’ campaign aims to combat climate change and promote sustainable practices by encouraging communities to plant trees and foster green spaces. HPNLU’s initiative aligns with its commitment to environmental stewardship and its role as a proactive institution in addressing global ecological challenges. During the event, participants planted a variety of indigenous tree species around the university campus.
The ‘Plant4Mother’ campaign is a nationwide initiative aimed at mobilizing individuals and organizations to contribute to a greener planet. HPNLU’s involvement underscores the university’s proactive approach in supporting environmental causes and fostering a culture of sustainability. As the day concluded, participants expressed their enthusiasm and commitment to continuing their efforts in promoting environmental sustainability.

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