January 18, 2025
Home » HPTDC to give facelift to its Hotels running in loss: R.S.Bali

HPTDC to give facelift to its Hotels running in loss: R.S.Bali

HPTDC to give facelift to its Hotels running in loss: R.S.Bali

Presiding over the meeting of Board of Directors (BoD) of Himachal Pradesh Tourism Development Corporation here today, Chairman of HPTDC, R.S. Bali said that the Government was ensuring that the visitors gets improved facilities in the state tourism hotels. Apart undertaking renovation of these hotels, a decision has been taken to fill the vacant posts as early as possible.

He revealed that apart from Manali, few tourism hotels would also have Club facilities and ice skating rinks. He said that a new complex alongside Hotel Holiday Home would soon come up the construction work of which will be started at the earliest. The HPTDC hotels will be categorized based on its profit and facilities and accordingly the priority will be given for repair and renovation of these hotels, besides steps will be taken to give a facelift to the hotels in loss.   

The Corporation would tie up with private partner wherein the advance payment will be made by the private company to the corporation on the advance booking of the rooms in HPTDC hotels.

A sum of Rs. 64 crore has been disbursed to the retirees of the corporation which was long due. He said that a retired IAS officer of Himachal Cadre Tarun Shridhar has willingly agreed to provide his service to the corporation, it is hoped that his experience and valuable suggestions will certainly take corporation to new heights.

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