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Home » Infrastructure Expansion in Government Schools— Future Ready Chandigarh Vision 2030 And Beyond

Infrastructure Expansion in Government Schools— Future Ready Chandigarh Vision 2030 And Beyond

Infrastructure Expansion in Government Schools— Future Ready Chandigarh Vision 2030 And Beyond

Construction Of Extension Block Of Govt. Sr. Secondary School, Kajheri, Chandigarh After Demolishing The Existing Dilapidated Old Block At Kajheri Chandigarh.

The Engineering Department U.T. Chandigarh has always been endeavoring to fulfill the vision, “future ready Chandigarh vision 2030 and beyond” of Sh. Gulab Chand Kataria, Administrator, UT Chandigarh. Moving forward on enhancing the infrastructure for school education, the Engineering Department has now constructed a four-storey extension building, housing 33 well-equipped classrooms, 15 washrooms with Principal Room and Office at Government Senior Secondary School, Kajheri, Chandigarh after demolishing the existing dilapidated old block to accommodate the growing educational needs of the students. This extension aims to provide state-of-the-art facilities for the students of the city beautiful as well as peripheral area and will significantly enhance their educational experience.

The construction of the new Block in School will bring significant benefits to students, teachers, and the community. A well-designed and modern school facility enhances the quality of education, promotes student engagement with improved learning environment, access to modern technology, better infrastructure, enhances safety and hygiene, and fosters overall development of the students.

The estimated cost for the construction of the extension block is Rs. 10.47 Crore, approx. This includes the construction of the four-storey building which have house 33 classrooms, 1 Principal room, 1 waiting area, 15 washroom for the students and staff members, excluding the installation of lab equipment, the setup of the canteen, and the furnishing of all rooms to meet the needs of the students and faculty.

New classrooms with better lighting, ventilation, and seating arrangements create a more comfortable and focused learning space. Smart classrooms, computer labs, and digital learning tools enhance teaching methods and student engagement. A designated room for the Principal will serve as the administrative and leadership hub. A dedicated office and counseling space for students shall be ensured, where students will receive guidance and support regarding academic, personal, and emotional issues. To ensure hygiene, comfort, and the well-being of students and staff, sufficient provision has been made for well-designed and well maintained washrooms.

The building will be handed over to the Education Department, ready for use in the next academic session. This project has provided world-class infrastructure to the students of Chandigarh, furthering the city’s commitment to delivering high-quality education and equipping students with the resources they need to succeed. This infrastructure upgrade will provide students with a well-rounded and enriched educational experience, supporting their academic and personal growth.

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