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KL University: Seeking exclusive interaction opportunity for HoD of Cyber Security programme

As there are a lot of scams happening in India, cybersecurity is the need of the hour.
In line with the same, I am reaching out to pitch a captivating and inspiring story that explores the emerging trends in Data Science and Cyber Security in education.

The HoD of B.Sc. Cyber security, KL University would like to share his insights on the below mentioned questions:

How do you ensure the curriculum remains relevant and up-to-date with the latest industry trends and technologies?

How do you ensure that the program accommodates students with diverse educational backgrounds and skill levels?

What are the current research priorities within the Cybersecurity/Data Science department?

How do you address ethical considerations and societal impacts in the Cybersecurity/Data Science curriculum?

What advice would you give to students aspiring to enter the field of Cybersecurity/Data Science?

In lieu of the above information, please let us know if this interests you and you would be interested in an e-mail or telephonic interaction with the spokesperson.

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