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March 6, 2025
Home » Leopard Skin along with otherincriminating materials were recovered

Leopard Skin along with otherincriminating materials were recovered

On the basis of reliable information, a team of STF conducted raid on
28.01.2025 evening on Manmunda-Kantamal road under Manmunda Police
Station jurisdiction, Dist. Boudh regarding dealing/possession of wildlife
products by wildlife criminals, as a result of one wildlife criminal namely
Ramakanta Bhoi, 32 years S/o-Chakradhar Bhoi of Vill-Luising, PO-Bargaon, PS-
Kantamal, Dist-Boudh was apprehended.
During search one number of Leopard Skin along with other
incriminating materials were recovered from his possession. The accused
person could not produce any authority in support of possession of such
Leopard Skin, for which he has been arrested and is being forwarded to the
Court of JMFC, Kantamal Dist. Boudh. In this connection STF PS Case No. 03
Dt.28.01.2025 U/s. 303(2)/317(2) BNS,2023 r/w. Sec.51 of Wild Life
(Protection) Act, 1972 was registered. The skin will be sent to Director WII,
Derhadun for biological examination. Investigation is going on.

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