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Meeting of the State Level Road Safety Council held at UT Secretariat

Meeting of the State Level Road Safety Council held at UT Secretariat

A meeting of the State Level Road Safety Council was held today under the Chairmanship Sh. Rajeev Verma, Chief Secretary, U.T. Chandigarh to discuss various road safety related issues.

The action taken on the agenda points of the last meeting was presented to the Council and fresh agenda items for the meeting were discussed. The focus remained on rectifying the black spots/accident prone areas through intervention such as construction of table-tops, installation of cautionary traffic signages etc. as well as improving the overall visibility on roads for the safety of road users and to prevent road fatalities.

Some of the key decisions taken were rectification of defective traffic, signages in the city, installation of pedestrian pelican lights at vulnerable locations/junctions in the city, illumination of dark spots in the city, revamping and replacing traffic signage in the city with glowing fluorescent materials is crucial for enhancing visibility, especially during night time, provision of timer for cyclists/pedestrian signal lights in the city, linking of road from Colony No. 4 Light Point with the peripheral road of Village Dariya, ATC signals at T-point of Sector 48 near Motor Market on Purv Marg, Kajheri Chowk and Furniture Market Chowk, Constructing new bridge at Sukhna Chao between Shastri Nagar Light Point to BDC Light Point backside Police Lines, repair/replacement of non-functional CCTV cameras in the city, merging cycle tracks with main vehicle tracks poses significant safety risks for cyclists and motorists alike, as it increases the likelihood of accidents due to lack of clear separation.

To ensure safer commuting, it is essential to establish proper barriers or designated lanes to maintain distinct paths for cyclists and vehicles, minimizing conflict points, regulation of e-rickshaws, recommendation of the suspension of DLs for certain violations and Implementation of Policy to Block Transport-Related Services u/s 167 CMV Rules, 1989 for Vehicles with Overdue Traffic Notices/Challans.

The Chief Secretary, UT Chandigarh directed the concerned departments to implement the decisions taken in the meeting within stipulated time period and apprise the ATR in the next meeting.

The meeting was attended by Sh. Surendra Singh Yadav, DGP, Chandigarh, Sh. Amit Kumar, Commissioner MC Chandigarh, Ms. Prerna Puri, Secretary Engineering, Sh. Ajay Chagti, Secretary Health, Sh Nishant Kumar Yadav, Deputy Commissioner, Sh. Sumer Pratap Singh, SSP Traffic and other officials of Chandigarh Administration and Chandigarh Police. Sh. Harman Singh Sidhu, Arrive NGO was also present.

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