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Home » Share Purchase Agreement executed between Chandigarh Administration, Eminent Electricity Distribution Limited (EEDL), and Chandigarh Power Distribution Limited.

Share Purchase Agreement executed between Chandigarh Administration, Eminent Electricity Distribution Limited (EEDL), and Chandigarh Power Distribution Limited.

Share Purchase Agreement executed between Chandigarh Administration, Eminent Electricity Distribution Limited (EEDL), and Chandigarh Power Distribution Limited.

Chandigarh Embarks on a New Era in Power Distribution

Chandigarh, February 1, 2025:

Today, a Share Purchase Agreement was executed between Chandigarh Administration, Eminent Electricity Distribution Limited (EEDL), and Chandigarh Power Distribution Limited, marking a major step in modernizing the city’s power supply. RP-Sanjiv Goenka (RP-SG) Group, through its subsidiary Eminent Electricity Distribution Limited (EEDL), has officially taken over the power distribution and retail supply business, following approvals from the Punjab and Haryana High Court (November 2024) and the Supreme Court (December 2024).

Under the privatization plan, the entire power distribution and retail supply function has been transferred to Chandigarh Power Distribution Limited (CPDL), a fully owned subsidiary of EEDL. This transition will significantly enhance the power services for over 2.35 lakh consumers in Chandigarh. This initiative aligns with the Aatma Nirbhar Bharat vision, ensuring improved reliability, efficiency, and sustainability in Chandigarh’s power sector.

EEDL has invested ₹871 crore, far exceeding the reserve price, while ensuring the protection of employee service conditions and pensions. Significant investments in smart grids and distribution networks will ensure 24×7 reliable power supply. A dedicated helpline and online grievance redressal system will enhance customer support.
Green energy will contribute to Chandigarh’s environmental goals and Smart City transformation. The Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission (JERC) will oversee fair and transparent tariff setting.

This move not only enhances power services but also allows government resources to be redirected toward other essential public services.

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