February 22, 2025
Home » State TB Cell, Chandigarh Organises Awareness Event Under 100 Days Campaign to Accelerate TB Elimination in collaboration with Shri Dhanvantry Ayurvedic College & Hospital

State TB Cell, Chandigarh Organises Awareness Event Under 100 Days Campaign to Accelerate TB Elimination in collaboration with Shri Dhanvantry Ayurvedic College & Hospital

State TB Cell, Chandigarh Organises Awareness Event Under 100 Days Campaign to Accelerate TB Elimination in collaboration with Shri Dhanvantry Ayurvedic College & Hospital

Chandigarh, 6th February 2025:
In line with the Government of India’s vision for a TB-free India, the State TB Cell, GMSH-16, Chandigarh, in collaboration with Shri Dhanwantry Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Sector-46, Chandigarh, organised a significant awareness event under the 100 Days Campaign to Accelerate TB Elimination.

The program commenced with a solemn pledge ceremony against tuberculosis, reaffirming the collective commitment towards eradicating the disease. This was followed by an enthusiastic rally led by students, aimed at spreading awareness about tuberculosis, addressing the stigma surrounding it, and emphasising the critical need for early diagnosis and strict adherence to treatment protocols. The students’ active participation reflected their dedication to supporting the national goal of eliminating TB by 2025.

Dr Sumit Srivastava, Principal of Shri Dhanwantry Ayurvedic College, extended a warm welcome to the esteemed guests. The event featured insightful addresses by prominent health experts:

Dr S K Thakur discussed regarding various treatment modalities present earlier causing poor adherence and drug resistance and how DOTS helps with supervision, improving adherence, success rates, and reducing mortality. Dr N. K. Goel highlighted the persistent challenges hindering TB elimination, including gaps in early detection, treatment adherence, and public awareness. Dr Ashok Bhardwaj elaborated on the Government’s ambitious target for TB Mukt Bharat by 2025, stressing that catastrophic expenditure on TB diagnosis and treatment should be reduced to zero. He also raised concerns over stigma, revealing that 63% of TB-affected individuals do not seek timely treatment due to fear of social discrimination.

The event was graced by key dignitaries, including Dr N. K. Goel (Prof and Head- Department of Community Medicine, GMCH-32), Dr Rajesh Rana (State TB Officer, STC, GMSH-16), Dr Ashok Bhardwaj (Chairman-Zonal Task Force, North Zone), Dr SK Thakur (Director, SDACH), Dr Deepak Sharma (Associate Professor, GMCH-32), Ms Aakanksha Dutta (ICMR-TB Consultant), and Dr. Maneer (MO-STC), Dr Ravinder Kaur whose presence added great value to the proceedings.

Such awareness campaigns play a pivotal role in mobilising communities, especially the youth, to actively participate in the fight against TB. The State TB Cell, Chandigarh remains committed to sustaining these efforts and working towards the goal of a TB-free India.

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