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State’s youth being trained in advanced courses: Rajesh Dharmani

State’s youth being trained in advanced courses: Rajesh Dharmani

Technical Education Minister Rajesh Dharmani inspected the TCIL Training Center located here in Khalini today. Currently, various advanced courses such as Robotics, SQL, VB Script, Python, and Artificial Intelligence are being taught here under the Himachal Pradesh Skill Development Project. As many as 35 trainees are being provided free training in these courses sponsored by the Himachal Pradesh Skill Development Corporation.

The Technical Education Minister said that the state government was committed to enhance the skills of the youth. He said that the youth are being provided with industry-oriented employment-generating modern courses providing ample opportunities for them to emerge as employment providers.

Expressing concern over the low attendance of trainees, he directed providing a better training environment for the trainees. He also instructed the Corporation officials to visit the training centers from time to time and keep the institution’s records organized. He said that it was essential to maintain high standards in training institutions so that trainees could get quality training.

The Technical Education Minister also interacted with the trainees and learned about their experiences related to training. The Managing Director of the Corporation, Naresh Kumar, and other senior officers were present on this occasion.

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