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Home » Warm send-off to the Chandigarh Contingent for National Youth Festival 2025.

Warm send-off to the Chandigarh Contingent for National Youth Festival 2025.

Warm send-off to the Chandigarh Contingent for National Youth Festival 2025.

The Director Higher Education, Sh. Rubinderjit Singh Brar gave a warm send-off to the Chandigarh Contingent participating in the National Youth Festival 2025 at UT State Guest House today. This program is scheduled to take place at Bharat Mandapam in New Delhi from 10th – 12th January 2025 where Hon’ble Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi will grace the occasion.

The send-off function was organised jointly by the Department of Education and Department of Sports, Chandigarh Administration, under the aegis of the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Government of India.

Director Higher Education, in his address, congratulated the participants and extended his best wishes to all the students representing Chandigarh at the National Youth Festival. He highlighted the significance of their participation, stating that the students have undergone a meticulous selection process to represent the state and their representation is a matter of pride for Chandigarh.

This year the National Youth festival is reimagined as the Viksit Bharat Young Leaders Dialogue , emphasizing the vision of a ‘Viksit Bharat @2047’, as envisioned by the Hon’ble Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi. Sh. Rubinderjit Singh Brar remarked that the youth of the nation are the driving force behind this transformation. He further added that when the inner talent of the youth shines, it propels the nation forward.

Furthermore, Director Higher Education urged the students to showcase their best inner potential and focus on holistic development.
Further, he assured all possible support from Chandigarh Administration to participating students of Chandigarh.

The programme commenced with a welcome address by Nodal Officer, Viksit Bharat Young Leaders Dialogue Prof. Punam Aggarwal who introduced the theme of the festival to all and expressed gratitude to the Chandigarh Administration for their support. She also discussed the four-level selection process of the students for VBYLD.
The Chandigarh Contingent consists of 21 students for Viksit Bharat Track and 28 students for Cultural and Life Skill category. The contingent would be accompanied by 9 teachers from different Higher Educational institutions of the city.

The Chandigarh Contingent will depart for New Delhi on 9th January 2025.

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