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Why there are so many Gangsters growing in Punjab ?


In recent years, Punjab has witnessed a concerning upsurge in gangster-related activities, sending shockwaves through communities and law enforcement agencies alike. What was once known for its rich cultural heritage, lush fields, folk music, Bhangra-Gidda dances, warm-hearted people, and agricultural prosperity, Punjab is now grappling with a burgeoning gangster menace that demands immediate attention and determined action. 

Punjab’s history is steeped in various socio-economic and political factors that have unwittingly contributed to the current gangster crisis. The historical context of gangsterism in Punjab can be traced back to the era of militancy during the 1980s and 1990s. The violence and unrest during that time provided a fertile ground for the emergence of criminal elements, who found ways to capitalize on the chaos. The state’s proximity to international borders and the complicity of some politicians and some bureaucrats in the organized crime networks have created an environment conducive to criminal activities. Moreover, economic disparities, inadequate employment opportunities, and lack of quality education have left many disillusioned youth vulnerable to the alluring promises of quick wealth offered by criminal syndicates. The phenomenon of gangsterism has evolved over the years, intertwining itself with various aspects of society.  The allure of quick money and power has further incentivized this shift.

From localized gangs to well-organized criminal networks, the landscape of gangsterism in Punjab has evolved dramatically. The use of technology and social media has facilitated the rapid expansion of these networks, making them harder to track.

One of the primary drivers of the gangster menace in Punjab is the rampant drug trade. The state’s strategic location has made it a key transit point for drug trafficking, enabling the inflow of narcotics from neighboring countries. Gangs often control various aspects of the drug trade, exploiting both addicts and the vulnerable for monetary gain. This has fueled a vicious cycle of addiction, crime, and violence, perpetuating the gang culture.

The socio-cultural fabric of Punjab has also experienced significant changes, leading to a sense of disconnection and fragmentation within communities. Traditional values are giving way to “modern” influences, resulting in a loss of communal identity. This disintegration provides fertile ground for gangsters to exploit the void, offering a twisted sense of belonging and protection to susceptible individuals.

The influence of gangsterism extends beyond crime; it affects the very fabric of society. Families are torn apart, communities live in fear, and economic growth is stifled as investments shy away from unstable regions.

Law enforcement agencies face an uphill battle against the gangster menace. The criminal networks often enjoy political protection, making it difficult to bring them to justice. Intimidation and fear tactics also hinder witnesses from coming forward.

Efforts to curb the gangster menace have been hindered by allegations of political patronage and corruption within law enforcement agencies. The interplay between politics and crime has led to a lack of stringent action against criminal elements. The entanglement of politics and gangsterism has compounded the problem. Criminals with political affiliations often escape legal consequences, creating an environment of impunity.  This emboldens gangs to continue their activities, knowing that the chances of apprehension and conviction are relatively low. 

Strengthening law enforcement, and reforming and revitalizing law enforcement agencies are essential to effectively combat gangsterism. This involves purging corruption, enhancing training, and equipping personnel to handle the evolving tactics of criminal organizations.

Investing in education and skill development programs can empower the youth, offering them legitimate avenues for growth. By addressing unemployment and creating opportunities, the appeal of criminal life can be significantly reduced. Fostering a sense of community and belonging is also crucial to combat the menace. Local leaders, NGOs, and government initiatives can work together to create spaces where individuals feel supported and connected.

While stringent laws and punitive actions are necessary to deal with the problem, there’s also a need for rehabilitation and reformation programs to address the root causes of gangsterism. Skill development, education, and counseling can provide alternatives to young individuals. Communities are the first line of defense against gangsterism. When individuals come together to reject criminal activities and support law enforcement, the impact can be noticeable.

Treating drug addiction as a public health concern rather than a criminal offense can break the cycle of addiction and crime. Accessible rehabilitation centers and counseling services are integral to this approach. 

Media can also play a significant role in shaping public perception. Responsible reporting can shed light on the realities of gangsterism, encouraging collective efforts to combat the issue.

Gangster networks often transcend borders, collaborating with international criminal syndicates. This poses a serious challenge that requires coordinated efforts by multiple countries.  The trend of running away from the country to seek refuge in countries that have either weak laws to deal with them or are complicit in aiding and abetting the crime in India is evident from the fact that scores of wanted gangsters from India, majorly from Punjab, have made some western countries their abode.  Recent incidents of killings and kidnappings for ransom of celebrities in Punjab on the orders of gangsters sitting in foreign lands bear testimony to this.  Brazen use of social media platforms to amplify the incidents of targeted killings and abductions has too played its role in instilling the sense of fear among people.  A visible growing craze for Punjabi songs promoting gun culture and vulgarity is also believed to have contributed to the menace.

Failure of consecutive governments in Punjab over a period in effectively tackling gangsterism and drug menace despite tall promises in their pre-poll speeches is equally worrying.  The government’s inability to competently control the situation raises serious doubts about their intents and willpower.

Over the period, gangsters have developed their nexus with anti-India forces including pro-Khalistan elements in foreign countries making the issue more complex than ever.  Law-enforcement agencies even after identifying the culprits in various crimes in India face an uphill task of nabbing them if they run away from India and sit in safe havens.  Unfortunately, the process of seeking the extradition of the accused despite having mutual extradition agreements with the countries concerned is a tedious and time-consuming process.  This is what is taken advantage of by these gangsters and drug lords. 

In a nutshell, the gangster menace in Punjab is a complex issue stemming from a confluence of historical, socio-economic, and political factors. Addressing this challenge requires a multifaceted approach that encompasses law enforcement reform, education, community engagement, and rehabilitation efforts. By targeting the root causes and offering viable alternatives, Punjab can gradually reclaim its legacy of prosperity and harmony, steering its youth away from the clutches of gangsterism.

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