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Home » Edu fest India: North India’s Biggest Education Fair comes to Himachal Pradesh , interact with 120 plus Top institutions

Edu fest India: North India’s Biggest Education Fair comes to Himachal Pradesh , interact with 120 plus Top institutions

Edu fest India: North India’s Biggest Education Fair comes to Himachal Pradesh , interact with 120 plus Top institutions.

The education fair will be held in Mandi Himachal Pradesh on 26th and 27th April 2025 , starting in Mandi and concluding in 25 locations, a release informed.

Edufest India has announced its upcoming education fair that will feature prestigious universities and colleges from India UK, USA, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and the UAE.

The education fair will be held in around 25 Indian cities between April 26 to December 1, 2025, starting in Mandi Himachal Pradesh and concluding in Pune, a press release added

The Effect India , CEO Mr Rohit Sharma said, This education fair is designed to support Indian students aiming to study in India and abroad, and showcase educational options from institutions around the globe.

Additionally, students will also receive first-hand insights on admissions, scholarships, and specific course offerings that align with their career aspirations.

The fair also includes one-on-one consultations with experts on-ground, and comprehensive guidance tailored to individual student profiles.

From understanding academic programmes and available scholarships to discussing visa processes and financial planning, the event will guide students with all necessary information under one roof.

Not just this, education advisors from Edufest India will also conduct free profile evaluations to help students make the most informed choices for their future studies in India and abroad, the release added.

As per Edufest India’s CEO Rohit Sharma , the education fair will be participated by representatives from over 120 prestigious institutions which include the Universities and Colleges from India and abroad .

Interested students can register for the fair at www.edufestindia.com

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